The elder scrolls oblivion mods nudity
The elder scrolls oblivion mods nudity

the elder scrolls oblivion mods nudity

Other commentators remarked on the injustice of punishing a company for the actions of its clients, and one called the event a "pseudo-sequel" to the Hot Coffee minigame controversy. Although certain retailers began to check for ID before selling Oblivion as a result of the change, and the change elicited criticism for the ESRB, the events passed by with little notice from the public at large. Bethesda complied with the request, but issued a press release declaring their disagreement with the ESRB's rationale.

the elder scrolls oblivion mods nudity


The ESRB reported that Bethesda Softworks, the game's developer and publisher, would promptly notify all retailers of the change, issue stickers for retailers and distributors to affix on the product, display the new rating in all following product shipments and marketing, and create a downloadable patch rendering the topless skin inaccessible. In response to the new content, the ESRB conducted a new review of Oblivion, showing to its reviewers the content originally submitted by the game's publisher along with the newly disclosed content. The sexually explicit content was an art file, made accessible by a third-party modification called the Oblivion Topless Mod, that rendered the game with topless female characters. This included detailed depictions of blood and gore and sexually explicit content. The ESRB cited the presence of content not considered in their original review in the published edition of Oblivion. On May 3, 2006, the North American Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) changed the rating of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, a video game for PCs, the PlayStation 3 and the Xbox 360, from Teen (13+) to Mature (17+). The corpse of Lucien Lachance, identified by Patricia Vance as being "a very different depiction, far more intense, far more extreme than what had been disclosed to us."

The elder scrolls oblivion mods nudity